Living Life to the Full


We wanted to share a few glimpses of the young ladies and young men in our homes in Moldova as they live out life to the full. Everything from college to hiking, prayer meetings, Bible Study and more. To our prayer partners and donors, thank you! You help provide this safe haven where they go from facing real vulnerability and danger, to now completing their education, preparing for productive, meaningful lives, and learning to care for others just as others have cared for them. It’s a powerful, life-changing thing you are doing. On behalf of every teen in our care, once again, thank you!


A Great Day Hiking

Some of our kids went hiking! Mr. Slavik and Mrs. Doina do a great job encouraging our kids, and that includes taking them on some great days out like this one. It’s only been a few months since we welcomed Slavik and Doina Tusinski to the AIM Moldova team as our new chaplains, ministering to the spiritual needs of the kids in all three of our homes. In that short time they’ve blessed our kids and all of us so much. Their commitment and love make a difference every day! Also supervising the trip with Slavik and Doina was Igor Sirbu, houseparent at our boys’ home, Pete’s place. More about Igor and his precious wife, Anastasia, below.


Tatiana Got Baptized!

It’s always a blessing to see one of our young people make a public commitment of their faith in Christ and take the important step of being baptized in water. We love Tatiana and pray for God’s blessing on her life as she continues in her walk of faith. She’s already a blessing, and it’s clear God is going to use her life and her testimony, and that He has even more great things in store for her life.


Igor and Anastasia Need Your Prayers

As you may know, our Pete's Place houseparents, Igor and Anastasia have faced many personal struggles this year, especially concerning Anastasia's health. We’ve been privileged to have Igor and Anastasia as houseparents in Pete’s Place for about four years now. They’ve taken amazing care of our boys, and I know they have made a huge difference in the life of every single boy they’ve looked after. Anastasia has faced some very hard health challenges lately. We’re praying for God’s healing power to touch her and heal her of the cancer that has spread from her brain to other parts of her body. This faith-filled young woman needs a miracle! Please click “See more” on the Facebook post shown above to read her moving account of the battle she is fighting (there’s an English translation available with the post). If you’d like to help this amazing family with their very costly medical expenses, please click here.


Thanksgiving Blessings

Our boys recently enjoyed the Moldovan version of Thanksgiving, but their sentiments fit right in with the Thanksgiving celebrations coming up here in America. Click on the short video below to watch them express their thankfulness to you and to the Lord.